Monday, September 2, 2013

# 1

The 1st time you do something is often the scariest.  Yesterday was the 1st day of September.  It was my birthday and the due date of my 1st mortgage payment (on my 1st home purchase).  It was also the 1st time I created a blog.  I had been craving a more spacious venue to ramble on food than the text messages and hallway chatter that previously sufficed.  Committing writing to the blogosphere feels a bit scary to me, but with the fresh feelings of "new" that yesterday represented,  it was finally time to create and share.

But why is my 1st post a day late?  A reasonable question.  After creating a mere title and photo to qualify as content, I scampered off to spend the next 24 hours on a celebratory camping trip.  With great company, a starry night sky, and a charming waterfall in the hot afternoon sun, it was the perfect way to welcome a new age.  Backpacking to a campsite never provides an easy means for a gourmet meal, but when you eat amongst Mother Nature after a good-and-sweaty hike, it all tastes better.

Dinner consisted of carne asada burritos and quesadillas made with fresh homemade tortillas and sliced avocados.  Breakfast was banana pancakes.  Tip: Add pancake mix and water to a gallon zip-sealed plastic bag, then mush it around from the outside until the batter is blended.  Cut a small hole in the corner to make a pastry bag, squeeze out perfectly round pancakes and never clean up pancake batter again!

Dessert was the expected, but never tired, s'more.  This one was special for two reasons: a Reese's cup and a wishing candle.

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